Explore Aurora - Pixxel’s Earth Observation Studio’s impact across industries

August 12, 2024
Amy Zammit
Explore Aurora - Pixxel’s Earth Observation Studio’s impact across industries

As we proudly experienced the public launch of Aurora, Pixxel's in-house Earth Observation Studio, excitement sparks about its transformative potential across various industries. Aurora offers an extensive range of readily available indices and models designed to monitor, prevent, and mitigate detrimental phenomena, promising to revolutionise operations. 

Aurora supports multispectral sensor imagery from notorious missions, including Sentinel and Landsat. However, the platform will also boast the added capability of hosting imagery from Pixxel’s high-resolution hyperspectral imaging satellite constellation. 

Although initially focusing on vegetative and nature-based applications, Aurora is continually expanding to meet the evolving needs of diverse industries.

Optimising Agricultural Practices with Aurora’s Indices and Models

The Crop Bio-parameters model uses crops' unique spectral signatures to assess various health parameters.

In modern agricultural practices, analysing remotely sensed imagery is crucial in monitoring crop health, assessing drought conditions, and optimising resource management.

Vegetation Monitoring

Aurora’s Crop Stress model assesses agricultural lands for areas of high vegetative stress, supporting organisations in making better decisions about resource allocation.

Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)IndexMonitor crop rotation patternsIdentify shifts in vegetation dynamics
Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI)IndexEarly crop development monitoringObserve seedling emergence in areas of high bare soil
Rededge Chlorophyll Index (RECI)IndexNon-destructive chlorophyll estimationAssess leaf chlorophyll content
Plant Senescence Reflectance Index (PSRI)IndexDetermining leaf senescence and fruit ripening stagesDetect carotenoid changes in leaves and fruits
Green Chlorophyll Index (GCI)IndexRegular crop health monitoringAssess chlorophyll content for nutrient management and seasonal planning
Crop ClassificationModelPrecision agriculture and yield forecastingAccurate crop type identification for optimised resource use and tailored management
Crop StressModelEarly stress detection and managementIdentify stress factors early for targeted interventions to minimise losses
Crop Growth MonitoringModelYield prediction and resource managementTrack growth stages for precise yield forecasts and input optimisation
Optical FusionModelAdvanced crop monitoring and managementTrack crop stages and manage large areas efficiently
SegmentationModelPrecision agricultureIdentify weeds, assess crop health variations, and segment crop rows
Image ClusteringModelCrop type mappingGroup pixels for large-scale crop mapping for monitoring and market analysis

Drought and Water Stress Assessment

Through Aurora’s model and index libraries, agricultural organisations can track variations in crop conditions. For example, the NDMI is applied to identify and monitor water stress.

Normalised Difference Drought Index (NDDI)IndexGrassland drought assessmentDetect drought conditions accurately
Moisture Stress Index (MSI)IndexEvaluate plant water stressDetect changes in canopy water content and water stress
Normalised Difference Moisture Index (NDMI)IndexMonitoring crop water stress and biomass changesIdentify water stress areas and track water content
NDVI Using MicrowaveModelSolving cloud and temporal unavailability issuesDetailed NDVI when optical imagery is limited, aiding crop phenology and yield estimation

Land Use and Resource Management

Aurora’s models, including the Farm Boundary model, help agricultural organisations understand land use patterns and enable efficient resource allocation.

Crop Bio ParametersModelVarious agricultural applications, including crop monitoringGuide fertiliser, irrigation, and yield prediction
Land Use and Land CoverModelAgriculture and food securitMap and monitor agricultural land and assess suitability
Farm BoundaryModelPrecision agriculture and farm managemeAccurate field-level analysis to optimise resource allocation

By applying these indices and models, agricultural organisations can significantly enhance their ability to monitor crop health, manage resources efficiently, and ensure sustainable farming practices.

Applications of Aurora’s Indices and Models in Environment and Forestry

With Aurora, environmental management agencies can monitor and manage vital ecosystems and habitats, including water quality status, with the Water Quality Index model.

Aurora’s indices and models are crucial in monitoring and managing environmental and forestry resources. They provide valuable insights into vegetation health, water quality, land use changes, and biodiversity, enabling informed decision-making for sustainable practices and conservation efforts.

Vegetation monitoring and assessment

Aurora features a suite of models and indices, including the renowned NDVI, which can be applied over vegetated areas to understand variations over time and support swift and timely interventions where required.

Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)IndexAssess vegetation healthDetect stress and disease in tree stands
Monitor pollution effectsAssess vegetation health before and after pollution events
Monitor reclamation effortsEvaluate vegetation health and growth post-land reclamation
Assess the environmental impacts of urbanisationMeasure changes in vegetation density near urban areas
Monitor vegetation burning Identify fire-prone areas and monitor vegetation recovery post-fire
Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 - 2 (EVI2-2)IndexHighlight land cover variationDifferentiate land cover types with minimised soil influences
Transformed Vegetation Index (TVI)IndexUnderstand forest cover dynamicsAssess forest health during drought conditions
Rededge Chlorophyll Index (RECI)IndexMonitor Earth system dynamicsBroadly monitor ecosystem health and dynamics

Water and Wetland Monitoring

The NDWI in Aurora provides insights into flood impacts and supports rapid disaster response management.

Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI)IndexEstimate open water surface areaDetect sudden changes in water surface area indicating pollution events or pests
Identify waterbodies as mosquito habitatsDetect potential breeding sites
Visible Atmosphere Resistance Index (VARI)IndexDistinguish unhealthy or dry vegetation susceptible to wildfireIdentify areas with vegetation health discrepancies
Normalised Difference Snow Index (NDSI)IndexMap snow cover Provide accurate snow cover mapping for hydrological, terrestrial, and climatological processes
Water Quality Index (WQI)ModelAssessing water quality for various usesEvaluate water quality for recreational activities, irrigation, industrial use, and environmental use
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)ModelWater quality monitoringReduce data dimensionality to identify water pollutants
Land cover classificationImprove accuracy in classifying land cover

Drought and Climate Monitoring

Aurora’s in-built NDDI is applied over drought-stressed areas to detect vegetation stress and change detection.

Normalised Difference Moisture Index (NDMI)IndexMapping drought severityIdentify drought-prone areas
Normalised Difference Drought Index (NDDI)IndexEarly detection of drought stress in vegetationDetect vegetation stress and land cover changes due to afforestation or deforestation

Pollution and Hazard Detection

Aurora’s OSI can be applied to contaminated water bodies to identify hydrocarbons and support rapid intervention to prevent environmental degradation.

Oil Spill Index (OSI)IndexOil spill detection and monitoring (water surface only)Evaluate oil spill distribution, spread, thickness, and impact
Rededge2IndexWater quality assessmentAssess aquatic ecosystem health using chlorophyll presence
Chlorophyll Vegetation Index (CVI)IndexAssess canopy sensitivityStudy canopy reflectance based on leaf chlorophyll concentration
Change DetectionModelDeforestation monitoring and disaster assessmentTrack vegetation cover changes and identify disaster-affected areas
Optical FusionModelHigh-frequency land use change detection Ensure continuous monitoring and create consistent datasets for climate studies
Cloud Gap FillModelDisaster management and climate change researchFill data gaps for constant monitoring in cloud-prone regions
LULC (Land Use Land Cover)ModelTrack deforestation and natural hazardsIdentify land-use changes for conservation and disaster preparedness

Biomass and Forest Management

Aurora’s inbuilt Forest Biomass model will provide information on forested areas' potential productivity and overall health.

Forest Biomass EstimationModelSustainable forest managementQuantify biomass for carbon sequestration and habitat quality assessment
Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI)IndexEstimating vegetation crownEnable crown estimation and periodic forest health evaluation
Crop Bio ParametersModelForest biomass estimation and health monitoringSupport sustainable management and biodiversity assessment
SegmentationModelDetailed forest mappingIdentify tree crowns and map ecosystem diversity for conservation
Image ClusteringModelEcosystem diversity mappingGroup similar pixels to map distinct vegetation patterns and habitats

Aurora’s indices and models' diverse applications highlight their significance in the environmental and forestry sectors. As technology advances, applying these indices and models is essential for addressing global environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development practices across industries.

Aurora is expected to redefine how industries monitor, manage, and respond to numerous challenges. With its cutting-edge indices and models, it offers unparalleled insights across diverse industries and applications, utilising various satellite imagery sources.

Don't miss the opportunity to experience Aurora’s capabilities firsthand—register now and benefit from a free one-month trial for all users. Get in touch with our team for more information and how Aurora can benefit your organisation.

Welcome the future of Earth observation insights with Aurora!